All papers including the annual accounts will be circulated prior to the meeting.
Business will include a report from our Chairperson on activities, and approval of the accounts and auditor.
There is also a Special Resolution proposed to simplify the geographical area of benefit described in our Articles of Association. There is a single postcode in the north of Coigach Community Council area that is not currently covered by the list in Article 3.1 and we propose a remedy for this. So please come along and vote.
If you would like to nominate yourself as a Director, then you can access a form here.
If you are unable to attend, please let us know by contacting so that we can register your apologies.
If you would like to nominate another member to vote on your behalf, there is a proxy form available here. Please ensure that you submit your form by 6:30pm on Saturday 16th of November.
After the meeting there will be a ‘Bring a Plate’ supper. CCDC will supply drinks and refreshments and this will be an opportunity to take stock and celebrate our achievements as a community over the past year.