Gaelic Class

A new course of Gaelic classes in the hall will be starting on Wednesday, 29th Jan, 5.30 till 6.30 pm. We’ll be using the Speak Gaelic course, with all materials free online here:

Suggested donation towards Hall costs for the whole course of 13 lessons is £20.

Led by course tutor Lisa NicDhòmhnaill, this course is organised around fun topics like New Friends, Hobbies etc. We’ll be starting from complete beginner level, and the course will build up vocabulary and grammar in a gentle and supportive way.

Siuthad, give it a go!

Lesson one will be... Caraidean Ùra - New Friends

We will be learning how to use simple greetings, ask someone their name, give basic personal information, address people using their name and ask what people's names are.

We will be starting from scratch, but you can have a look at the lesson content before coming along here.


Copan a Còig